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Experience the Bourbon Court at Villa Campolieto’s Historical Theatrical Event

A Journey Back to the Bourbon Era On January 14, 2024, step back in time at Villa Campolieto, a gem of the Golden Mile, with the Karma Arte Cultura Teatro’s immersive theatrical event, “A Corte dai Borbone”. This itinerant show, set in the frescoed halls of Villa Campolieto, brings the Bourbon period to life with over 10 performers, including actors, extras, and musicians, in a setting that’s rich in art and history.

A Spectacular Venue: Villa Campolieto Constructed by the Prince Luzio De Sangro and further developed by the famous Luigi Vanvitelli and his son Carlo, Villa Campolieto stands as one of the most exquisite Vesuvian villas. The event takes you through its splendid rooms, where history and art blend seamlessly.

Meet the Characters of the Bourbon Court The show isn’t just an enticing title; it’s a time travel experience crafted by Karma Arte Cultura Teatro. Two maids of honor lead you to a charming Court Lady, who, by the King’s request, reveals the artistic treasures of the villa and introduces characters from its storied past.

Imagine meeting a boastful King Ferdinand, a strong-willed Queen Maria Carolina, an eccentric Vanvitelli, his cheeky collaborator, a brash servant, and a cunning Malogno, all set to transport you to the 18th century. This extraordinary event is a blend of fun, culture, history, tradition, and Neapolitan spirit, set against a backdrop of 18th-century music played by the King’s musicians.

The Evolution of the Show “A Corte dai Borbone” is a production of Karma Arte Cultura Teatro, directed by Antonio Ruocco, first staged in 2015. Now, it returns with a fresh cast and new perspectives. A noble lady will guide participants through the villa’s history, and along the way, you’ll encounter characters who shaped its story.

The show’s premise is a royal reception organized by the King at Luzio Di Sangro’s villa, but not everything goes as planned. The actors interact and fully engage the audience, culminating in a festive dance in the grand hall.

The Talented Cast of “A Corte Dai Borbone” Antonio Raia and director Antonio Ruocco revive the splendor of the Bourbon era at Villa Campolieto. The cast includes Ciro Pellegrino as Malogno, Ciro Scherma as King Ferdinand, Alessia Lamoglia as Queen Carolina, Paola D’Uva as the beautiful Eleonora guiding you through the villa, Sergio Savastano as Vanvitelli, Paolo Blasio as his impudent assistant, Valeria Ariota as a rough-mannered servant, and Ottavio Buonomo as the host Scipione Di Sangro. Music by Tina Pugliese and Giuliano Colace, with accompanying extras Mario Coppeta, Lia Capasso, and Angela Marchese.

Join the Bourbon Court at Villa Campolieto

  • When: Sunday, January 14, 2024
  • Where: Villa Campolieto, Ercolano
  • Showtimes: 5:30 PM and 7:30 PM
  • Participation Fee: €18.00 (including villa entry and parking), reduced to €10.00 for ages 6-10, free for 1-5 years
  • Contact and Mandatory Booking: 342 732 9719 or visit the Facebook page of Karma – Arte Cultura Teatro.

Don’t miss this unique experience that combines historical richness with engaging entertainment! 🎭🏰🎶

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